Monday, August 22, 2005

The Idea

Just when I find where my dad hide's my handphone, he changes the hiding place! Wonderful... However, I have the strangest feeling that he brought it to work! Lol. The misery.... I just had a brilliant idea on a story, if you can call it a story... I'm not gonna spill the beans just yet, I hope it'll be better than Tim's 'Of Light and Darkness' script! Haha, I must be insane, to think that I can fight with the writting-God!! See, I'm even worshipping him now! Luckily he doesn't know my blog! But Julian, don't spill k? I know it'll be brilliant! But I can't seem to find the time to put the ideas together. Well, better be soon, not even during the holidays, coz I'll be preparing my Form 3 stuffz and for piano exam. Believe it or not, I STILL haven't decided on the title!! That's bad planning for you. =P

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