Thursday, February 07, 2008

Imaaagination (Spongebob Squarepants)

Since I'm leaving for hometown tomorrow, and probably won't blog for the week after this, I'll just do this 'just for kicks'. XD Humour me.

5 things found in my bag
(Which one? XD I'll shift between 3 bags yeah? That ought to be legal.)
-School books
-Pencil box
-Sketch book
-My tie o.O
-iPod baby

5 things found in my wallet (purse!)
-Locker key
-Epicenter Passporte card
-Photostat IC
-Amirah's Interact card
-Lyrics to new school songs I'll never memorise

5 favourite things in my room
-My bed (new sheets and quilt =D)
-Hush Puppies picture 'frame'
-Aileen doll x]
-Tennis balls
-Super Spider Pigs poster (Thanks for salvaging this Qian! I owe you one. No thanks to Ming Wai, who nearly threw it away -_-)

5 things I always wanted to do.
-Backpacking with a friend/friends
-Get married at the same time as VJ and Amirah, and our kids will go to the same school, and be besties too! XD
-Break the fire alarm with a Sejarah book so the school would ban it, too. And not just scissors.
-Go to church
-Have a 5 digit salary by the age of 30

5 things I'm currently into
-Juggling =P (hence, the tennis balls)
-Working my ass off
-Providing entertainment to a certain group XD

List out the top 5 presents you wish for:
1. A grand piano =D
2. Migrate + Now = No SPM
3. Free concert and event tickets from Shaun =p
4. Money. Lots of it.
5. Starbucks. Still craving =/

The person who tagged you is: Julian Lau Aik Hong
Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1. Nice teeth XD
2. Switchfoot fanatic
3. Has a lot of spare time
4. Likes black
5. Picky eater x]

Most memorable things he/she has give/done to you:
Cicak pendant from Kinabalu. Now dead. =X

If he/she becomes you lover, you will:
Gain weight from eating everything he doesn't want. XD

If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
I threw his computer out of the window and ran away with his handphone.

Pass the quiz to 5 people that you wish to know how they feel about you:
Ken Lam (have fun bitch =p)
Pui Ying (be les. I don't care)
Sheena (we're already together, so its okay =])
Edwiiiiin (i smsed you in hong kong. You owe me)
... Julian (for making me run to my bag and room a trillion times. Do again! XD)

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