Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Same Place, Different Things ver.1

Good things never last, and the best things will always go by too fast.

I did wonder how I migrated from the back to the front of the bus permanently... Curse that stupid six-sided, 2x2, miniature.. Rubix cube. Spent most of the time teaching Melvin to play Shithead, which resulted in him ending up with three quarters of the entire deck in his hands so there wasn't much competition. Shithead XD

Went gift shopping for my secret friend at the stop at Pagoh. Quote : 'Think, Bukit Kepong'.

Shopping at Giant was a very lively affair, with lost people and quantity debates. Why do I have a feeling we got 2 of everything? Haha

See see! The grand total says RM 115.28, thats RM 4.72 UNDER BUDGET! We're so proud of ourselves =D

Only Pui Ying, Puan Song, Jeremy, Melvin, Faiz, Niklaus and Ji On(?) will ever know how much I progressed at bowling from that evening XD

As the bed was lifted off its base, the truth was revealed..

Bra and panties!

'Maybe its on of those voodoo things'. Huey Shan

Happy Birthday Hui Ning

Jeez, I know it's kinda late, but my dearest-est dbkl worker celebrated her 17th birthday in well-fed style. God bless California Pizza Kitchen.

Loves =)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Who Am I?

I am the saviour of the people
Swords are raised and armies swollen and fallen
The masses would die for me
Yet I create the miracles of life
Who am I?
I am Faith.

Worthy is the one who earns me
Betrayed is the one who misplaces
I can be given, and also retracted
I am needed for any relationship
Who am I?
I am Trust.

I am lived, breathed and felt
I can move continents and change the world
But I'm only as powerful as the people
Some call me an illusion, a lie
Who am I?
I am Love.

Sparks fly when I'm around
I ignite the deepest desires
And drive steely determination
I am the son of Love and Trust
Who am I?
I am Passion.

My sparks are from hell
The devil's hands are my mould
Anger is my servant and slave
I blind the heart and poison the soul
Who am I?
I am Jealousy.

Physical hurt is my illusion
I inflict conflict with the utmost of intention
Emotional reformation is evolution
But only if they not drown, but learn to swim
Who am I?
I am Pain.

I am a weight at the ankle
I can be dragged for eternity and never let go
Nobody wants me there
But I am everywhere, in every street
Who am I?
I am Suffering.

I am the most powerful of them all
The most prevalent in unwritten history
I overshadow all of Suffering
I am the will to live
Who am I?
I am Hope.

Everything above is who I am
Everything and so much more
My posibilities have no horizon
My dreams,borderless
I am capable of all things
Yet I can be nothing at all
The world is in my hands to grasp
So what am I waiting for then?
Who am I?

Well, I am Man.

* Aileen is thinking that it should be submitted to the school magazine, but wonders if its good enough. However, she thinks that her inspiration has come home at last. Rejoice.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Salvation Will Come

I'm sorry I'm bad
I'm sorry you're blue
I'm sorry bout all the things I did to you
And I know...

I have been neglecting my blog.

But I promise you, it will be revived during the coming holidays. Just as I created the art for my banner as of above, I shall attempt a new revamp. And I don't believe in internet ripping for my banner, its mucho unoriginal, such a rip-off. Bleeh.

Be still and know, salvation will come.