Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Same Place, Different Things ver.1

Good things never last, and the best things will always go by too fast.

I did wonder how I migrated from the back to the front of the bus permanently... Curse that stupid six-sided, 2x2, miniature.. Rubix cube. Spent most of the time teaching Melvin to play Shithead, which resulted in him ending up with three quarters of the entire deck in his hands so there wasn't much competition. Shithead XD

Went gift shopping for my secret friend at the stop at Pagoh. Quote : 'Think, Bukit Kepong'.

Shopping at Giant was a very lively affair, with lost people and quantity debates. Why do I have a feeling we got 2 of everything? Haha

See see! The grand total says RM 115.28, thats RM 4.72 UNDER BUDGET! We're so proud of ourselves =D

Only Pui Ying, Puan Song, Jeremy, Melvin, Faiz, Niklaus and Ji On(?) will ever know how much I progressed at bowling from that evening XD

As the bed was lifted off its base, the truth was revealed..

Bra and panties!

'Maybe its on of those voodoo things'. Huey Shan

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