Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back! - Again

The second time my computer returned from the Intensive Care Unit at Carrefour, Wangsa Maju, a lot of goings-on has trainspired.

Location : School Field
Event : Shirtliff House Practice
Sub-Event : 100m unofficial trials

Me : *screams at juniors* Don't ever, EVER change lanes while running!! Do you want to bang each other at those speeds, fall over, and BREAK A LEG!? Don't laugh!! It's not funny! Don't laugh I say!! etc etc

Shin Ee : Umm... Aileen, dyou know that the SBS people are staring at you?

Me : *gasps and hides behind the bushes*

* * *

Location : Carrefour Wangsa Maju
Event : Retreival of CPU
Sub-Event : Toilets

What kind of contractor builds the male and female toilets side by side with one main entrance branching out into two, very nearly identical places of worship? Plus, the girls sign is the first thing you see, so you go 'Oh, this is the girls toilet. Yay!'

Conclusion : I got stuck in a cubicle in a guys toilet, bending down to observe various shoes, and vandalisme on the left 'wall' stating, Bohsia Setiawangsa, 014..........6. And I was there for half an hour. I so very much freaked out, that if I had any pee left in me, I'd pee in my pants. I nearly cried, it was oh-so frustrating!!

And then when I did manage to slink my way out, my mom screams at me, and makes me show her the place, because she thinks its 'ridiculous' that anything like that could happen.

Story, I walked in, and it was empty at that time. Then, I noticed the individual peeing what-nots, and almost turned. But, a guy and two kids came in, so I hid in a cubicle. Make sense so far? I'm sure it does.

So I wait, bidding my time until they leave. But as luck should have it, guys kept coming in and I had no chance of escape. Therefore I, the pitiful, was to be stuck in an abysmal cubicle, amid sounds of guys spitting into the toilet bowl in the cubicle on my left, and peeing sounds on my right. Then, the one of my right decided to take an effing smoke. I nearly died.

* * *

I clocked 29 seconds for 200m... Need. Speed. ><

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