Monday, January 14, 2008

Random, Magic

The beginning of the first official full week of school is set to be brutal.

Today is the day Add Math first made me crazy this year.

Today is the day that I had a headache in English (last period).

Today is the day Shirtliff practice started.

Today was the day we were supposed to run, but it rained.

Today is the day Zi Kang, Wei Lin, Amirah, Ngee Ming, Thiban, Yee Jin... and others, start their captainship and vice-captainship duties.

Today is the day I found out that Zi Kang's voice sucks.
Today is the day I wanted Izuan to be captain.

Tomorrow is the day our first UBS meeting starts
Tomorrow is the day I give Muru the CD containining Ebe's political tantrum. XD

But today...

Randomness, haha.

But hey, here's something for you guys. ;)

Don't know about you, but it sure worked for me!

1 comment:

Kenalicious Sexylicious said...

Dear, look at all the cards properly. The clubs and spades and all look alike n then they make it look like it really came true. Obvious really. Check all the signs from the 1st and 2nd one and then you'd know how lame this chain mail is.