Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bona fide

Ah yes, something just occured to me. Those who remember my old blog layouts should recall a wishlist somewhere. Now, if I myself recall as I should, the list went somewhat like...

1. Diploma in Pianoforte
2. New handphone
3. Digital camera
4. mp3 player
5. Straight A's for PMR
6. Straight A's for SPM
7. Hotness
8. A boyfriend
9. Learn to ice skate
10. Laptop
11. A dog
12. Kiwanis Key Leader
13. Be a BRAT
14. Go to Outward Bound School again

Well, material wealth isn't everything, but it sure counts!

Elaborations in the next post. Oh, and I curled my hair too. :)

So loyalists and faithful friends of afar, please, do try and keep up.

Looking forward to making pewter and MTV Asia Awards (and possibly sleeping over at Amirah's place)


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