Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lame Day Story for A Lame Day

Shouldn’t have gone for Taekwondo today. Should have skipped it, like Zi Kang aka Gong Gong. It was hell of a boring and nothing new. *sigh* The things I do… I amazed myself. Today. Unbelievable. In the morning, I did my Math homework although there was no teacher. During recess, I brought it with me when I had a little drink, and went to the library to see how much I could finish. Circles, the new topic. Tough. Especially when your Math teacher decided to go on a ‘holiday’ and just dumped the whole class notes and exercises to make up for her absent lesson’s and lack of teaching ability. (OK, that’s not so true. In fact, I don’t know why Shaun & da gang like to bully her so much) Actually, Harvind was tagging along coz Mei Li was absent. Nothing much to say to her really, we aren’t that close. Another reason for aiming for the A class next year. People I know there are soo nice. Back in class after recess, braced myself (or rather, my brain) to finish my Math (less homework at home) when I saw Ting En and Sue Anne sitting on the floor. I decided to join them, and was rather intrigued about Ting En’s enthusiasm in erm… studying. Literally. So the three of us got Sejarah textbooks and memorized 6.1 as much as we could. Later, we had to write down all we could remember. Textbooks closed, of course. Then, we did the same for 6.2. No prob. It was actually quite a fun was to study. EXCEPT that the moment we got 6.2 in our heads, 6.1 vanished and flew out of the window, aka our heads. THEN, Sue Anne realized that she hadn’t finished the piece of work Cik Sri Devi gave yesterday and I hadn’t either. I was busy doing the banner/poster with Amanda, Louise, Wei Lin, Yee Vonne and Pui Ying. The banner/poster turned out OK. I’m almost certain that we’ll lose to 2A AGAIN. I’m actually quite sick of losing to them. But, what can a pitiful little angel like me do in a half deranged class? (A little exaggeration at that point). Back to today… I also had to do a bit of copying but couldn’t get it all done by the time teacher came in. Oooh, and when I went to the toilet, I mean, coming BACK from it, A bunch of people that consisted of Amirah, Michelle, Vi-Jean, Marques, Zi Kang and Melissa (although I could have sworn there were more humans) rushed on and looked like they were starved dogs in sight of the first piece of meat they had seen in weeks. Minus the drooling and yelping etc. I stiffened my body, ready for the stampede. But all of them passed as I said a small “Hi” without so much as a glance except for VJ who gave me a hit in the right shoulder and Zi Kang, my dear grandfather, whom, I think was the only person who heard me. Ming Zhao, as usual, tormented my Teakwondo lesson. Throwing little rocks at me when we did stretching. Oh WHY did Sree Mathi put me beside him in the line? It DOES hurt when he flicks his fingers and hits my foot! But I got back at him a bit when I found Lethal Weapon Number 1, which was a pin, and Lethal Weapon Number 2. Also a pin. Both are hair pins actually. Which I used to poke his feet. Evil? I don’t think so. =D

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