Sunday, December 23, 2007

dot dot dot

Yours truly is now in Kedah and is blogging without BIG FAT COUSIN bugging me, coz he's at church. Or he might sit on me for using his computer and I might just sink into the floor. I'm in Kedah, and its so small town with not enough pollutants in the air. I'm so shocked, haha!

Oh and I just remembered that there was something I forgot about day 2 at camp. After our glorious Tug of War victory, something happened. Sheena screamed 'Leech!', and I saw this black thing on Tata, and I scream for the heck of it XD and then Tata said 'Where?' and someone said 'There!' and he screamed, and danced. After 5 seconds, he turned to Darren, said 'Actually not pain also...' and continued screaming and dancing. Fun =D

Okay I'm lazy to talk about camp now. It was good, with one very huge exception. I contemplate not returning, because he said he'd be back next year. And like I told Mr Man Boobs, I think I'll hire a boyfriend cum bodyguard throughout the entire time, simply because I do not have the guts to 'Kick his balls so that he'll remember it for the rest of his life,' as said by somebody. I hate him... =/

I need to pee...

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