Wednesday, June 07, 2006

do homework

Four days left to school and I'm still not doing anything about my most pressing matter. h-o-m-e-w-o-r-k. My brain has degenerated as the result of poor exercise during the holidays, and is giving me trouble by not starting up. Unfortunately, unlike most appliances, you can't give it a good hit to get it started.

So. mid-term break. Not a single outing that we planned actually got carried out. The movie marathon was off. Even a trip to Michelle's house to do WORK was off. It's a godamn curse, i tell you. Only the family outings make it through the planning session. WTFish?? Sad. Really sad. The only plus thing to this is that I stayed over twice at my cousins place and got to hog the xbox for the entire day. But even that gets sickly after a while.

Oh, by the way, one of my cousins designs actually found its way to a radioactive shirt! No kidding. From what was previously pencil, paper, pen, and Photoshop (i think), now costs 70 big bucks! (ok, it's actually 69.90, but its close. very.) Now, I'll just cling to him and beg for one the next time I see him. Hey, I'm not filthy rich you know, you've got to earn your stuff.

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