Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Omg... Slept so super early yesterday. 7pm. Plop! Zzzzzz... So now, I'm awake at 4.31... Online, without finishing my homework, as usual. Procrastinating, as usual

The month of love must be a bad bad month for me... I seem to be rushing around like an incurable workaholic more, forgetting my homework, losing my Add Math homework (bad, very bad), not following the teacher in class and going like (douhhhhhh... while drooling), and accidents. Yeah, a lot of that, a hell more tripping over things all the wrong times... I just seem to be falling more often than usual. Like when I was shopping with my mom last Sunday, maybe it was the intense heat of the day or something, but most likely it was just me being... me. I expertly side-stepped a stupid potted plant when my the left side of my forhead made contact with something metal and hard. With a CLANG I fell down. Like, really fell down. Looking back, I felt like those cartoon characters from some Warner Bros concoctions. Like, I banged my head and bounced backwards, landing on my butt. IN PUBLIC!

I hate February... Julian says I don't show enough love. 'Show the love girl!' or something like that... No way! I'm a generally loving person! =D

Ken can so write... He's a weives a pen like a sword and slashes words on so artistically, it hurts. Damn you Ken, with that you sure masuk Brats!! *screams*

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